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Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday Muses: Julie Christie

My father looooves "Doctor Zhivago". When my siblings and I were growing up he would try endlessly (in vein) to get us to sit down and watch the 3 and a half hour epic.  A worthy attempt at bringing some culture to our little lives but perhaps just a tad slow and heavy-handed for a 10 year old to digest? None the less, that was my introduction to today’s muse; Fuzzy flashes of blond hair peeking out of a giant fur hat against a sprawling, frigid backdrop. 

Julie Christie on Don Juan's Reckless Daughter

It wasn’t until I attended a special screening of "Darling" at the BFI in London 5 or 6 years ago that my love for Julie Christie solidified. Her Oscar-winning portrayal of the over-the-top social climbing starlet, Diana Scott, coupled with very 1960s costumes and makeup managed to leave a big impression on me.  It even inspired me to cut a fringe for the first time in years. 

Another fun sidetone that endeared me to Ms Christie is the legend that she and Terrence Stamp were the  young couple ('Terry and Julie') immortalized in one of my favorite ever songs, “Waterloo Sunset” by the Kinks (circa 1967).  (ugh...SUCH a good song, you guys.)  She was a bit of a playgirl back in the day and also dated, among others, Warren Beatty and Brian Eno. 

I recently re-watched "Far From the Madding Crowd" which is a gorgeous film (they just remade it with Carey Mulligan but I have yet to see it) as well as "Shampoo" which is 70s-tastic and worth a watch as well (it also stars Warren Beatty and Goldie Hawn).

Julie has mostly retired from the spotlight but will pop up occasionally and she's still incredible...

Suggested viewing: "Darling","Doctor Zhivago","Far From the Madding Crowd","Fahrenheit 451","Shampoo" - if you are up for a scare "Don't Look Now"  and if you are up for a cry: "Away from Her" (directed by Sarah Polley who I adore). 

Have a wonderful week! xM

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

new things...

Hello dear friends,
Apologies for the drought on this poor old blog. Perhaps someday I will have enough time and energy to come back to blogging regularly but for now the occasional update is, unfortunately, all I can promise you. That said, I have some really exciting projects brewing for 2015! The first of which is the new music video for my song WAVES from my debut album Charade (which came out last year in case you are new here!  :) We shot it at the very end of last year in the snow and it is finally finished! So without further ado:

The second mater of business is this great article my pal Rebecca Darling (of Rococo Vintage) wrote for the Huffington Post about wearing vintage in which she sweetly features a few oldies but goodies from DJRD along with photos of several blogger beauties including the delightful miss Ashley Ording! Check that out here:

Until next time, thank you, you lovely people you! for continuing to keep this space alive despite the slow trickle of new posts.

Sending my love!
xMeg O

Friday, December 19, 2014


Hi Kittens... Just wanted to let you know that my band and I are playing a show at Hotel Cafe in Hollywood tonight at 7PM! Come on down and kick off your holiday break !! xM

Hotel Cafe 
1623 North Cahuenga Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Liner Magazine - Vol. 4

I was so thrilled to take part in this shoot and interview for Liner Magazine last month. It's a beautiful independent magazine started by a really creative and talented gal named Kelly Searle. She also acted as Photog and Hair/Makeup for this particular shoot which was even more of a treat.  Here are a few screenshots but please check out the whole issue below.

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We ended up with a lot of great photos - too many to use in one editorial, in fact! so perhaps I'll share a few more in the near future!  Happy Monday!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Don't forget to VOTE today!

Just another friendly reminder to get out and vote in the midterm elections TODAY, if you haven't already! I did my civic duty this morning and it feels so good!

Oh, and in case you are curious, you can pick up this awesome Lady Parts Justice Willow Bag over at the Orla Kiely website .

Which reminds me, I recently took place in the latest Department of Peace PSA, "BAD REPUTATION" with some amazing people like Joan Jett, Carrie Brownstein, Max Greenfield, Sia, Tavi, Alexa Chung, Lizz Winstead, Sarah Sophie Flicker and so many others. Check that out here:

 Fingers crossed for good election results!
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